Class Teacher Years at a Waldorf School – Film Footage for Teacher Training and Research

The streaming portal for teacher training and research is a distinctive service provided by the Educational Research Centre.

The streaming portal is for tutors and students at Waldorf teacher training courses, and for college and university staff and students of all disciplines.

Six films give direct insight into the ongoing learning development of pupils in a class group, from Class 1 to Class 8. The films are available for the following teaching topics:

  • core subject arithmetic/maths, form drawing/geometry
  • core subject reading and writing
  • artistic subjects such as painting, drama and quotes for testimonies

The films are available free of charge on our streaming portal. Registration is required to protect the personal rights of the students involved.

A voluntary donation for the streaming of the films is very welcome.

The first longterm documentation about waldorf students

The six-part film series for teaching and research comes from the long-term documentary by the freelance filmmaker Maria Knilli, who accompanied a school class at Landsberg Waldorf School for eight years.

The three documentaries

  • Guten Morgen, liebe Kinder (“Good Morning, Dear Children”)
  • Eine Brücke in die Welt (“A Bridge to the World”)
  • Auf meinem Weg (“On My Path”)

were produced and released on behalf of Bayerischer Rundfunk, and can be purchased as DVDs.

A fourth documentary that Maria Knilli produced together with the Eduational Reaserach Center is also available on DVD:

  • Reden wir von Leben und Tod - Zwölftklässler einer Waldorfschule im Gespräch ("Let's talk about Life and Death - Conversations with Waldorf School Twelfth-Graders"

And finally, again in cooperation with the Educational Reasearch Center, a web documentary was created:

  • Nachgefragt - Rückblicke auf unsere zwölf Jahre Waldorfschule ("We asked - a look back at our twelve years of Waldorf School")