Mahatma Gandhi

The Man and His Message

9. Klasse
10. Klasse
Für die Schüler und Schülerinnen
Autoren: Donn Byrne, Peter Morris | Seitenanzahl: 88 | Preis: 6,00 €
Verlag: Pädagogische Forschungsstelle Stuttgart | Auflage: 2. Auflage, 2015 (Klammerheftung)
This biography of one of the most inspiring and important personalities of the 20th century offers a complete overview of Gandhi’s life, work and times, while – with 36 pages of actual text – remaining an easily readable length. The reader contains many photographs, a vocabulary (thematic and in text sequence) as well as exercises in comprehension and individual use of the language at various levels of ability. - For Class 10 (9)