The Farmer and the Goblin

Now new stories are presented, the course of the year leads from harvest to spring. The tales and ballads are taken from the entire English-speaking world – Ireland and Scotland are represented as are the Osage and Sioux Indians. The evocative illustrations make reading more pleasurable and give opportunity for conversations or simple descriptions.
Titel The Farmer and the Goblin
Reihe Englischlesebuch
Band 2
Autor:in Uta Taylor-Weaver
Auflage 3. Auflage, 2008 (Hardcover)
Verlag Pädagogische Forschungsstelle Stuttgart
ISBN 9783940606181
Umfang 79 Seiten
Format 21,1 x 20,1 x 1 cm
Preis 10,00 €
Bestellnummer 1046