Literature in Waldorf Schools

Understanding Literature as a Basis for Teaching Literature

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In this work, those subjects given in the format of block-lessons are examined with respect to educational theory and didactical and methodological aspects. The publication is intended for scientists, students and practicing teachers. It emerged from a research project by the Pedagogical Research Centre at the Federation of Waldorf Schools in Kassel and the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences in Alfter.
The examples that appear in this volume are intended to encourage readers to choose appropriate examples from their own cultural backgrounds and perspectives.
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Titel Literature in Waldorf Schools
Untertitel Understanding Literature as a Basis for Teaching Literature
Reihe Creation + Discovery Literature
Autor:in Rita Schumacher
Auflage 1., 2021 (ePDF)
Verlag Pädagogische Forschungsstelle Kassel
ISBN 9783949267048
Umfang 76 Seiten
Preis 7,99 €
Bestellnummer 1270